Tips to Increase Your Battery Life

Unfortunately symbian phones are spending too much battery. I have a Nokia N70 and It’s working 2-3 days without charging. It’s really hard to say the same thing for S60 devices. But we can increase our battery life with a few tips

1. Close applicatons that you’re not using – If you press to Menu button Menu Button for 1 seconds you can see applications currently running.

Running applications means loosing more battery. If you don’t use them press to C button and close them. You will notice the difference

2. Turn off Bluetooth connection if you’re not using

3. Don’t use any additional Screen Saver. Use Nokia’s Default Power Saver

4. Set your Power saver time-out to “1 minute”

5. If you’re getting Low Signal, don’t talk with your phone. Because in Low signal, your phone is spending more energy to reach to the base station

6. Use Original Nokia batteries… Fake chinese batteries can be explosive!

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The Safest Way to Have an Affair Without Getting Caught

There seems to be an ever growing number of married people having affairs these days. Maybe it is because more of us are buying into the concept that monogamy is unnatural. Maybe it is because more of us want happiness at all times no matter what we have to do to get it. Maybe we’re just all more connected and hear about it more often.

Whatever the reason, the perception is that more people than ever are cheating. Whether it is more than before remains to be seen. What isn’t different is the fact that just about no one who cheats wants to get caught. We all want to get away with it. I’m sure there are ways to romanticize the whole thing so that it seems like something more, but the bare fact is if we are cheating, we don’t want to get caught.

There are lots of little tips and tricks to help you achieve this double life successfully. Just making sure you don’t do any of the telltale things most cheaters do will help you out a lot. Don’t bring your affair to your own home. Don’t pay for any affair related expenses with credit cards. Don’t shower as soon as you get home. Don’t send texts and emails if you don’t have to. Don’t be taking off at strange hours and for strange reasons. The list goes on, and all of these little tips will help.

But perhaps the safest way to have an affair without getting caught lies in who you choose to have the affair with. It is imperative that this person can be trusted to respect your marriage and home life. It is imperative that they realize they are second and your home life is first. It is imperative that they have just as much to lose as you do by getting caught.

You may already know the affair from earlier in your life and know their situation, which is good. But if there isn’t someone at the ready that you can trust, you may want to think about trying one of the married dating services that are becoming so popular. They will literally let you choose someone to have an affair with, from your area, who you find attractive, and who has as much to lose as you.

Having an affair can be dangerous business if not done properly. Stay safe, and be sure you pick the right person to share yourself with.

Tracking down uptime in Windows XP

Have you ever wondered how long your Windows XP system has been running since the last reboot? If so, this handy Windows XP tip will show you how to find out your system’s uptime.
Here’s how:
  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Type the following command:
    Systeminfo | Find “Up Time”
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Unmask your passwords

var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
  for(var x = 0; x < els.length; x++) {
    if(els[x].type.toLowerCase() == 'password' ) {
      var test = els[x].type = 'text';

If you put javascript: at the beginning of that, and delete all the newlines so that it becomes a one-liner, you can delete the text in your browser’s address bar and paste the JavaScript snippet in the address bar instead, then hit the Enter key. This will cause masked passwords to be revealed.